
Journal Publications

O. Yasa, Y. Toshimitsu, M. Y. Michelis, L. S. Jones, M. Filippi, T. Buchner, R.K. Katzschmann, “An Overview of Soft Robotics.” Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 6, Nov 2022. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-control-062322-100607

O. Fischer, Y. Toshimitsu, A. Kazemipour, R. K. Katzschmann, “Dynamic Task Space Control Enables Soft Manipulators to Perform Real-World Tasks.” Advanced Intelligent Systems, Sep 2022. DOI: 10.1002/aisy.202200024

S. Moser, Y. Feng, O. Yasa, S. Heyden, M. Kessler, E. Amstad, E. R. Dufresne, R. K. Katzschmann, R. W. Style, “Hydroelastomers: soft, tough, highly swelling composites.” Soft Matter, Sep 2022. DOI: 10.1039/D2SM00946C

M. Filippi, O. Yasa, R. D. Kamm, R. Raman, R. K. Katzschmann, “Will microfluidics enable functionally integrated biohybrid robots?” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Jul 2022. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2200741119

M. Filippi, T. Buchner, O. Yasa, S. Weirich, R. K. Katzschmann, “Microfluidic Tissue Engineering and Bio‐Actuation.” Advanced Materials, Feb 2022. DOI: 10.1002/adma.202108427

M. Dubied, M.Y. Michelis, A. Spielberg, R. K. Katzschmann, “Sim-to-Real for Soft Robots Using Differentiable FEM: Recipes for Meshing, Damping, and Actuation.” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Feb 2022. DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3154050

M. Iacob, A. Verma, T. Buchner, Y. Sheima, R. K. Katzschmann, D. M. Opris, “Slot-die coating of an on-the-shelf polymer with increased dielectric permittivity for stack actuators.” ACS Applied Polymer Materials, Dec 2021. DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.1c01135

M. Filippi, F. Garello, O. Yasa, J. Kasamkattil, A. Scherberich, R. Katzschmann, “Engineered Magnetic Nanocomposites to Modulate Cellular Function.” Small, Nov 2021. DOI: 10.1002/smll.202104079

P. Ma, T. Du, J. Z. Zhang, K. Wu, A. Spielberg, R. K. Katzschmann, W. Matusik, “Diffaqua: A differentiable computational design pipeline for soft underwater swimmers with shape interpolation.” ACM Transactions on Graphics, Jul 2021. DOI: 10.1145/3450626.3459832

C. Della Santina, R. K. Katzschmann, A. Bicchi, D. Rus, “Soft Robotic Modeling and Control: Bringing Together Articulated Soft Robots and Soft-Bodied Robots.” The International Journal of Robotics Research, Jan 2021. DOI: 10.1177/0278364921998088

C. Della Santina*, R. Katzschmann*, A. Bicchi, D. Rus, “Model-based dynamic feedback control of a planar soft robot: trajectory tracking and interaction with the environment.” International Journal of Robotics Research, Jan 2020. DOI:10.1177/0278364919897292

R. Katzschmann, J. Delpreto, R. MacCurdy, D. Rus, “Exploration of Underwater Life with an Acoustically-Controlled Soft Robotic Fish.” Science Robotics, Mar 2018. DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aar3449

B. Homberg*, R. Katzschmann*, M. Dogar, D. Rus, “Robust Proprioceptive Grasping with a Soft Robot Hand.” Autonomous Robots, Apr 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s10514-018-9754-1

R. Katzschmann, B. Araki, D. Rus, “Safe Local Navigation for Visually Impaired Users with a Time-of-Flight and Haptic Feedback Device.” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Jan 2018. DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2018.2800665

R. Katzschmann, A. Marchese, D. Rus, “Autonomous Object Manipulation using a Soft Planar Grasping Manipulator.“ Soft Robotics, Dec 2015. DOI: 10.1089/soro.2015.0013

A. Marchese, R. Katzschmann, D. Rus, “A Recipe for Soft Fluidic Elastomer Robots.“ Soft Robotics, Mar 2015. DOI: 10.1089/soro.2014.0022

Conference Publications (peer-reviewed)

J. Zhang, Y. Zhang, P. Ma, E. Nava, T. Du, P. Arm, W. Matusik, R. K. Katzschmann, “Learning Material Parameters and Hydrodynamics of Soft Robotic Fish via Differentiable Simulation.” IROS, Oct 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2109.14855

S. Gravert, M. Y. Michelis, S. Rogler, D. Tscholl, T. Buchner, R. K. Katzschmann, “Planar Modeling and Sim-to-Real of a Tethered Multimaterial Soft Swimmer Driven by Peano-HASELs.” IROS, Oct 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2208.00731

P. Wand, O. Fischer, R. K. Katzschmann, “Prismatic Soft Actuator Augments the Workspace of Soft Continuum Robots.” IROS, Oct 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2204.07630

A. X. Appius, E. Bauer, M. Blöchlinger, A. Kalra, R. Oberson, A. Raayatsanati, P. Strauch, S. S. Menon, M. von Salis, R. K. Katzschmann,“RAPTOR: Rapid Aerial Pickup and Transport of Objects by Robots.” IROS, Oct 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2203.03018

B. G. Cangan, S. E. Navarro, Y. Bai, Y. Zhang, C. Duriez, R. K. Katzschmann, “Model-Based Disturbance Estimation for a Fiber-Reinforced Soft Manipulator using Orientation Sensing.” IROS, Oct 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2206.11626

F. A. Spinelli, R. K. Katzschmann, “A Unified and Modular Model Predictive Control Framework for Soft Continuum Manipulators under Internal and External Constraints.” IROS, Oct 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2204.13710

D. Tscholl, S. Gravert, A. X. Appius, R. K. Katzschmann, “Flying Hydraulically Amplified Electrostatic Gripper System for Aerial Object Manipulation.” ISRR, Sep 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2205.13011

E. Nava, J. Z. Zhang, M. Y. Michelis, T. Du, P. Ma, B. F. Grewe, W. Matusik, R. K. Katzschmann, “Fast Aquatic Swimmer Optimization with Differentiable Projective Dynamics and Neural Network Hydrodynamic Models.” ICML, Jun 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2204.12584

A. Kazemipour, O. Fischer, Y. Toshimitsu, K. W. Wong, R. K. Katzschmann, “Adaptive Dynamic Sliding Mode Control of Soft Continuum Manipulators.” ICRA, May 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2109.11388

M. Ryll, R. K. Katzschmann, “SMORS: A soft multirotor UAV for multimodal locomotion and robust interaction.” ICRA, May 2022. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2204.02165

M. Han, J. Euler-Rolle, R. K. Katzschmann, “DeSKO: Stability-assured robust control with a deep stochastic koopman operator.” ICLR, Sep 2021. OpenReview

R. Szász, M. Allenspach, M. Han, M. Tognon, R. K. Katzschmann, “Modeling and Control of an Omnidirectional Micro Aerial Vehicle Equipped with a Soft Robotic Arm.” RoboSoft, Apr 2021. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2111.03111

P. Auf der Maur, B. Djambazi, Y. Haberthür, P. Hörmann, A. Kübler, M. Lustenberger, S. Sigrist, O. Vigen, J. Förster, F. Achermann, E. Hampp, R. K. Katzschmann, R. Siegwart, “RoBoa: Construction and evaluation of a steerable vine robot for search and rescue applications.” RoboSoft, Apr 2021. DOI Arxiv: 10.48550/arXiv.2203.15145, DOI IEEE: 10.1109/RoboSoft51838.2021.9479192

Y. Toshimitsu, K. W. Wong, T. Buchner, R. K. Katzschmann, “SoPrA: Fabrication & dynamical modeling of a scalable soft continuum robotic arm with integrated proprioceptive sensing.” IROS, Jan 2021. DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2103.10726

R. Katzschmann, M. Thieffry, O. Goury, A. Kruszewski, T.-M. Guerra, C. Duriez, D. Rus, “Dynamically Closed-Loop Controlled Soft Robotic Arm using a Reduced Order Finite Element Model with State Observer.” RoboSoft, Apr. 2019. [Download Paper]

R. Katzschmann, C. Della Santina, Y. Toshimitsu, A. Bicchi, D. Rus, ”Dynamic Motion Control of Multi-Segment Soft Robots Using Piecewise Constant Curvature Matched with an Augmented Rigid Body Model.” RoboSoft, Apr 2019. [Download Paper]

R. Truby, R. Katzschmann, J. Lewis, D. Rus, “Soft Robotic Fingers with Embedded Ionogel Sensors and Discrete Actuation Modes for Somatosensitive Manipulation.” RoboSoft, Apr 2019. [Download Paper]

C. Della Santina*, R. Katzschmann*, A. Bicchi, D. Rus, “Dynamic control of soft robots interacting with the environment.” RoboSoft, Apr 2018. [Download Paper]

H.-C. Wang*, R. Katzschmann*, B. Araki, S. Teng, L. Giarre, D. Rus, “Enabling Independent Navigation for Visually Impaired People through a Wearable Vision-Based Feedback System.” ICRA, Singapore, 2017. [Download Paper]

R. Katzschmann, A. de Maille, D. Dorhout, D. Rus, “Cyclic Hydraulic Actuation of Soft Robotic Devices.” IROS, Daejeon, Oct 2016. [Download Paper]

R. MacCurdy, R. Katzschmann, Y. Kim, and D. Rus, “Printable hydraulics: A method for fabricating robots by 3D co-printing solids and liquids.” ICRA, Stockholm, 2016. [Download Paper]

J. Delpreto, R. Katzschmann, R. Maccurdy, and D. Rus, “A Compact Acoustic Communication Module for Remote Control Underwater.” Invited: ACM WUWNET, Washington D.C., USA, Oct 2015. [Download Paper]

B. Homberg*, R. Katzschmann*, M. Dogar, and D. Rus, “Haptic Identification of Objects using a Modular Soft Robotic Gripper.” IROS, Hamburg, Sep 2015. [Download Paper]

S. Li, R. Katzschmann, D. Rus, “A soft cube capable of controllable continuous jumping.” IROS, Sep 2015. [Download Paper]

A. Marchese, R. Katzschmann, D. Rus, “Whole Arm Planning for a Soft and Highly Compliant 2D Robotic Manipulator.“ IROS, Sep 2014. [Download Paper]

R. Katzschmann, A. Marchese, D. Rus, “Hydraulic Autonomous Soft Robotic Fish for 3D Swimming.“ ISER, Jun 2014. [Download Paper]

R. Katzschmann, T. Kröger, T. Asfour and O. Khatib, “Towards Online Trajectory Generation Considering Robot Dynamics and Torque Limits.“ IROS, Nov 2013. [Download Paper]

Thesis Works

R. K. Katzschmann, “Building and Controlling Fluidically Actuated Soft Robots: From Open Loop to Model-based Control.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, May 2018. [PDF]

R. K. Katzschmann, “Dynamic Online Trajectory Generation Acceleration Capabilities Considered for Real-Time Path Planning.” Diplomarbeit (~Master’s Thesis), Stanford University, USA and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, Jan. 2013. [PDF]

R. K. Katzschmann, “Kompensation des Einflusses eines Mehrfingergreifers auf einen Kraft-Momenten-Sensor.” Studienarbeit (~Bachelor’s Thesis), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, May, 2011. [PDF]

Pre Prints

M. Filippi, O. Yasa, J. Giachino, R. Graf, A Balciunaite, R. K. Katzschmann, “Perfusable biohybrid designs for bioprinted skeletal muscle tissue” bioRxiv, DOI: 10.1101/2023.01.12.523732